AKABAK-Amateur - Ordering

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The amateur or student license is free of charge.

The student license allows the non-commercial use of AKABAK as explained in the License Agreement. The package is identical to the professional version but

  • The author would need a simple informal note issued by the customer stating the non-commercial use of AKABAK (see below).
  • There would be no hardware USB-Plug, which normally serves to create the Release Code on-site. For the student license the Release Code will be provided by the author via email only. Because the Release Code is specific to the users computer hardware this procedure would have to be repeated after modifications to the hardware.

How to order a Student User License?

Please send us an email with a statement that you intent to receive a AKABAK student license and that you will use the license only for non-commercial work, for example:

Prepare email:

In return we provide you with the download-link and Release Code service.